Kelvedon & Feering Heritage Society

Welcome to the website of Kelvedon and Feering Heritage Society. It aims to provide an overview of the Society's role, projects and events we organise. If you would like to know more or maybe seek help with matters such as property or family histories, please do get in touch.

Our Society was formed by people who care for Kelvedon and Feering.

It aims to secure our heritage through conservation, protection and improvements by safeguarding the best of the past and ensuring that what is added enhances the villages in which we live.

Photographic Competition

The 2024 Photographic Competition entries have now been judged and are on display in the museum. For more details please go to the Photographic Competition page.

Mores Cottage and Bowes Cottage Feering

Come along to our events

Planning Matters

The Society keeps a watching brief on all local planning matters within our two villages and environs such as inappropriate changes to or use of a building or maybe concerns over a particular aspects of a proposed development then contact is made with the planning authority. In some cases such as Rivenhall Waste Facility representation is made in conjunction with other local groups.

Join our Society

The Society always welcomes new members. There is no requirement to take an active role (but of course its always encouraged). Its simply an interest in our two villages of Kelvedon and Feering and their environs.

Captain Hunt

Captain Hunt - The Hunt Memorial

The Hunt Memorial was erected by Captain Hunt’s family after his death in Ypres on 31st October 1914. The memorial was a large cross made from locally made blocks. The Memorial was taken down in the 1960’s after the local Vicar felt that it was unsafe. Up until this point, the Memorial had been used by Feering residents as their War Memorial. Blocks from the Memorial were used as foundations for other buildings in Feering. Several local buildings were constructed from this type of block.

The remains of the Hunt Memorial – which are included in the new Memorial – were discovered in Glebe Gardens by Kelvedon and Feering Heritage Society when planning a summer walk in 2010. They were being used a paving slabs. The Society felt that the Memorial should be reinstated in a more modern format suitable for the area and arranged with Feering Parish Council for the slab to be taken up and put into safe storage until such time as the Society could raise the necessary funds for the new Memorial.


  • Listening Bench

    Located on Packhorse Bridge between our two villages the bench plays recordings on history and villagers memories of times past.
  • Blue Plaques

    A project lead by the Lord Lieutenant of Essex to identify significant local women (and men) of the past who maybe should be considered for a Blue Plaque
  • Benchmarks & Trigpoints

    The Society along with the museum are aware that there are 'Benchmarks' and 'Trigpoints' around our to villages and are trying to record them before they are lost. Can you help?