Easterford Mill

How to join the Society

The Society always welcomes new members. There is no requirement to take an active role (but of course its always encouraged). Its simply an interest in our two villages of Kelvedon and Feering and their environs.

Membership for 2023-24 is £8 per household per year. The membership runs from April to March each year and you can join anytime.

Members receive a quarterly Bulletin Magazine and the opportunity to attend quarterly talks on local history or related topics free of charge.

The Society also endeavours to run a summer social during the year. The summer social has ranged from visited a local property to a theme guided walk with cream tea or refreshments afterward. There is normally a small charge made for the social.

If you would like to become a member please complete the membership form (available via link below) and return it to Mr Simon Prideaux, Membership Secretary whose details can be found on the form. If you have any queries please contact the Society via the link on this website.

Membership 2023-24