Crown Estates consultation

The Crown Estates have long managed many acres of land at Feering. The land is primarily along the Inworth Road on both sides and London Road towards Hanover Bridge and since early 2024 have been engaging with the local community to see how they would wish this to be developed be that in properties of all kinds, local provision of shops and other community assets such as schools, business units or even woodlands. They are giving due regard to the work carried out in developing the Local Plan and seeking to gain more insight to the community and their wishes which is in line with what King Charles wishes to see happen going forward.

There have so far been a number of sessions both with specific groups such as the Parish Council and villagers of all ages. The Heritage Society have also been involved. The Crown Estates are forming local consultation groups so as their plans develop they can gain the views of villagers to those early thoughts and we would encourage all villagers to take part to help form what Feering might be like going forward. Its a lovely village and all future development should reflect that.

For the latest updates or to become involved in one of the community consultation groups contact: